There are many existing features in Hashiriya, if you have an idea to improve an existing part of the game - you can post it here, the most voted ideas will be implemented in the game
I don’t wanna sound like an a??, but I’ve been trying to get help with my account from you guys for the past 4 weeks now? We’ve exchanged a few emails then it stopped? Not sure if you’ve been...
So I’m all for ads in games, creates revenue for creators to add more to the game or other games, but I believe there are far too many ads. I’ve had situations where I’ve gone into the career, r...
This is a weird one, but I saw someone post about the inclusion of 4wd with tunable front rear power delivery on cars that came with it, and that was genius because it would drastically change the gam...
Idk why whenever my front or rear bumper even touches the wall in the slightest I’m like magnetically pulled to the wall or I do 360’s and destroy my line from a microscopic piece of my bumper tap...
Any chance moving the drift point score accumulator? Or making it moveable in the pause settings since I don’t want the score in the middle of the screen. I’d rather it smaller, somewhere that’s...
There is up to 6000 people who hack the game from a discord server, there are a some developers working on it and not gonna lie , but their hack is successful and works , and if you ask me yes I've tr...
We need to pause in singleplayer and see a button "screenshot" or "take a ?" . And then it will be awesome to have montion blur too because some of us are YouTubers or Instagrammers and we like to tak...