Make it so there's a preset list of useable stickers eg brand names and stuff. Then make it an option to make custom ones, for the small price of a few ads or gems.
I don’t wanna sound like an a??, but I’ve been trying to get help with my account from you guys for the past 4 weeks now? We’ve exchanged a few emails then it stopped? Not sure if you’ve been...
Hello, always fun hasiriya drifter has gotten refers play, but what is it's the one proposed to pasted the free stickers and Vinyl, to also come out personality as long as pasted a sticker and Vinyl, ...
Currently the what's new message appears every single time you load into the game, unsure if it happens on mobile but i'm reporting this as a pc player.
Also there's a weird annoying bug that I curen...
We need the return of the best feature, detailed suspention. I am unaware of why it was taken out but you should have the models to reintroduce it into the game, it would make many people happy!