I’ve tried to post this idea several times but it never posted? 3rd times a charm..
So I had this awesome idea of “unghosting” select players on the same track as other players for an even more challenging “hashiriya/toguè” experience.
Concept: players in a group (min. 2 players max. 6-8??) would be “unghosted” on the track they’re on, allowing collisions “to only the other players in that group”
How a group works: A group can be started by any 2 players within proximity of each other on the current track they’re on. The “Initiator” of the group would need to be within proximity of any other players and/or viceversa, to “get invited” and accept “group invitation”. For group confirmation, the player names can change to a random server generated color. If any player wanted to exit the group, they can use the “restart button” or leave the server.
Additional group ideas: Their can be multiple groups on the same track, (identified by the color of there names) but only players of the same group are “unghosted” to the other players in the same group.
I’ve got more to add but I’ll leave it like this for now.
Ed Ward shared this idea 24/01/21 17:27