Hashiriya Drifter

PC Improvements
- Improve graphics:
The game is great but playing on PC you'd expect nice graphics, I'm not dissing the game but if you look at CarX, the graphics used to be mobile graphics when the game first came to PC and then at one point there was a graphics update.

- Add button in the garage to go to the import spins or whatever you'd call it, currently you can only get there by going on a rare import car and then clicking the rare imports button, small but it would be nice to have a button that took you straight to there.

- Add sound settings to the pause menu
When I first loaded the game up I went straight into a game and the sound was too loud for my liking and so I paused it, went to settings and saw you coundn't change the volume. In the garage when you go to settings you can do that but it would be nice to be able to do it whilst on the track.

Craig shared this idea 30/07/21 03:32