There are a handful of vehicles in the game that feature exterior parts that are unable to be paint matched, or aren’t correct or accurate when compared to the real life counterpart.
S13 Headlight...
This is a weird one, but I saw someone post about the inclusion of 4wd with tunable front rear power delivery on cars that came with it, and that was genius because it would drastically change the gam...
I don’t wanna sound like an a??, but I’ve been trying to get help with my account from you guys for the past 4 weeks now? We’ve exchanged a few emails then it stopped? Not sure if you’ve been...
Estaría bueno poder ponerle vinilos al auto que sean realizados por uno mismo ya que los que están dentro del juego no están adaptados para todos los autos y son medios raros , autos de dirft suele...