I’ve tried to post this idea several times but it never posted? 3rd times a charm..
So I had this awesome idea of “unghosting” select players on the same track as other players for an even more ...
I saw a new supra mk5 on the instagram post
I would like to request for the porsche 911 blackbird.
If hashiriya drifter didn’t only have jdm cars it would be better in my opinion,
We need more maps ...
In the real world, when ever you see a JDM car it definitely has some 2 step/launch control system with adjustable cut times and second RPM limits. Please add this to the game, along with better exhau...
As we all gather to do group rides etc
It would be easier and help all of us out to have #'s or nicknames for each turn point on the track. So that we can communicate where to meet up at a certain co...
I for one love trying to weave through traffic on street drift. It would be neat if there was more. Like perhaps, you click casual, join server, select a map, then either click traffic or no traffic. ...
Make it so there's a preset list of useable stickers eg brand names and stuff. Then make it an option to make custom ones, for the small price of a few ads or gems.
Ok I wouldn’t consider myself an expert at this game in any way, but I think the computers cheating on this level and (judging by the next few maps in career) is gonna continue to do it? There’s n...
An additional slider in the front/rear adjustment window(s) to adjust the actual wheels width (more Lip on your rear wheels)
For example, I use wheel #13 in the back and #22? 25? In front. (it’s th...