There are many existing features in Hashiriya, if you have an idea to improve an existing part of the game - you can post it here, the most voted ideas will be implemented in the game
like in real life engines has this wires, belt, Tubes not touching the sides or going through sides, battery also.
not to mention Engine is sometime too far from where ur should be.
The R34 door isn't that aligned can u please fix it on the next update? theres alot of ppl who likes the r34 but they have a problem with the r34’s door
Estaría bueno poder ponerle vinilos al auto que sean realizados por uno mismo ya que los que están dentro del juego no están adaptados para todos los autos y son medios raros , autos de dirft suele...
I think a team aspect, where you can create/join a team to do challenges and earn points, daily or weekly challenges and compete to win prizes and or be the best team.